
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Syntactic Properties of Phrasal Verbs in English

Introduction and Brief Summary of the Article The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs is an article, written by R. M. W. Dixon in 1982. This work aims at defining the term â€Å"phrasal verb† itself and analyzing the properties of phrasal verbs in English from syntactic and semantic perspectives. The article under consideration is properly structured and written in clear and comprehensible language.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Syntactic Properties of Phrasal Verbs in English specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With the help of evaluation of past studies in the same area, the reader gets a wonderful opportunity to clear up what is already known about phrasal verbs, why it is necessary to classify phrasal verbs, and why these certain types are chosen, what the peculiarities of transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs are, and why the underlying structures are considered to be the best means of expl aining the actions and changes, which take place within phrasal verbs in comparison to the surface structures. The grammar of phrasal verbs in English takes an important place in the study of this particular language, this is why it is crucially important to pay attention to any type of properties in order to comprehend appropriately how and why it is necessary to classify phrasal verbs. The work by R. M. W. Dixon is a reliable source that provides the reader with all the necessary information about phrasal verbs and their possible classifications. Phrasal Verbs as a Verb-Preposition Combination Nowadays, people face more and more problems with defining phrasal verbs, their place in English grammar, and their classifications. It turns out to be rather difficult for not-native speakers to comprehend what phrasal verbs actually mean (Ware Dowd 2008: 50). Due to this very reason, it is necessary to admit that that article by Dixon should be regarded as a real treasure for those, who a re going to start learning English grammar and touch the peculiarities of phrasal verbs in particular. From the very beginning of the work, the author offers several ideas of how to interpret a phrasal verb. One of the clearest and frequently used points is the idea that phrasal verbs are those verb-preposition combinations, which â€Å"cannot be inferred from the separate ‘norm’ semantic characterisations of the simple verb and of the preposition(s)† (Dixon 1982: 1). Past Studies Help to Evaluate the Situation With the help of past studies, it is known that phrasal verbs have to be listed separately, as the combinations of verbs and prepositions may present various idiosyncratic meanings, which have to be remembered (Gelderen 2002: 84). In his article, Dixon touches upon such issues like substitution, gapping, fronting, and the position of prepositions. All these non-semantic criteria help to distinguish phrasal verbs from other literal combinations, which may c onfuse people and even researchers. For example, the criterion of substitution may be evaluated: only a few number of phrasal verbs can have proper and pure corresponding synonyms (let out may be sometimes interpreted as disclose). It is also necessary to underline another very important criterion of phrasal verbs.Advertising Looking for critical writing on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lots of people still believe that if they interchange the position of a preposition with a non-pronominal post-verbal noun, the meaning of the whole phrase will not be changed. However, as the investigations prove, this point of view is rather mistakable. Many phrasal verbs cannot be divided into a simple verb and a preposition; this is why it is crucially important to study the use of phrasal verbs and their location in the sentences. In order to comprehend better how dangerous the substitution or wrong placement of words can be in English sentences can be, it is possible to make use of phrase structure trees. It is â€Å"a way of representing the linear order, constituency and hierarchical structure of sentences in a language† (Payne 2006: 339). For example, let us take two sentences from Dixon’s article: â€Å"John takes after his father† and â€Å"John takes his father after† (Dixon 1982: 4). Any branch of phrase markers should begin with a clear combination of words and end with a certain terminal symbol (Cannon 2002: 100): Sentence Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Adjective Noun Verb Adverb According to this scheme, the sentences under consideration may be analyzed in the following way: noun phrase is â€Å"John† and â€Å"his father†, and verb phrase â€Å"takes after†. The point is that this phrase cannot be divided into any other parts, because it is a meaningful phrasal verb. If the noun phrase separates the verb phrase, the essence of the verb will be lost. This is why it turns out to be impossible to say â€Å"John takes his father after†, and the only possible variant is â€Å"John takes after his father† that means that the father and the some resemble in their appearance.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Syntactic Properties of Phrasal Verbs in English specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The role of past studies in this article takes a significant place, because such brief examination of already known facts about phrasal verbs help to start own investigation and make use of evaluated pros, cons, and peculiarities of phrasal verbs. The above-mentioned criteria are not the only ones that are discussed in this piece of work, however, they are considered to be the most important and the most known. Continuums play an important role in phrasal verbs’ evaluation The article under consideration examines of the phrasal verbs’ criteri a separately due to its unclear nature. â€Å"It appears that there is a continuum, with the more idiomatic and idiosyncratic combinations at one extreme, and entirely literal combinations at the other† (Dixon 1982:9). The continuum under analysis may be classified according to five clear levels, which evaluate the meaning of the sentences with phrasal verbs. The continuums can be both literal and non-literal, and idioms. Some of the constructions, usually literal ones, demonstrate the absence of semantic peculiarities. In comparison to these constructions, the author represents several sentences, which require a distinct dictionary entry. Types of Phrasal Verbs, Offered by Mr. Dixon In The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs, the author identifies six different types of phrasal verbs. The chosen by the author approach makes the understanding of each phrasal verb’s type easier and clearer. In order to comprehend why the author chooses six types only and give preference to the underlying structures, it is necessary to identify what the underlying structure means, what other types of structures may be used in this kind of analysis and classification, and what type of order is inherent to each of these phrasal verbs types. Lots of scholars distinguish four main types of phrasal verbs: (1) intransitive and inseparable, (2) transitive and inseparable, (3) transitive and separable, and (4) transitive with inseparable prepositions (DeCapua 2008: 150). However, to attract the attention of the readers, the author made a wonderful attempt to represent more types of phrasal verbs and, by means of underlying structures, prove his ideas and approach. There are two possible structures: underlying, also known as deep or D-structure, and surface, also know as S-structure. Laurel Brinton (2000) defines underlying structure as a linear order of words in sentences and surface structure as a concrete realization of the previous structure (163-164). The author of the ar ticle that is discussed right now chooses six underlying structures: Preposition (P) P and Noun phrase (N) N and P N – p – N P – p – N N – p – p – N After providing this brief classification of phrasal verbs, the author analyzes three types of the verbs thoroughly and represents the examples for the readers in order to prove his choice. First of all, he names intransitive single phrasal verbs – the structure (1) that does not require direct/non-direct objects and the structure (2) that usually requires prepositional objects.Advertising Looking for critical writing on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More e.g.: He came to within a short period of time (1). My chief picks on me for each mistake (2). The next group for discussion is considered to be transitive single phrasal verbs. The representatives of this group have the underlying structures (3) and (4). As a rule, the phrasal verbs of this group need a prepositional object, and only in few cases, a direct object may be used. e.g.: It is impossible to bring her down (3). You have nothing to do but see this game through its successful end (4). Double phrasal verbs are the last group of verbs that unites fifth and sixth underlying structure. Mr. Dixon admits that these verbs have need of two prepositions and at least one prepositional object: e.g.: You need to take up this case with really sophisticated people (5). I do not want to take her up on the event I am not sure about (6). The use of examples and clear explanation of possible objects to the verbs is one of the winning ideas of the article under consideration. Readers’ understanding of the topic usually depends on the properly chosen examples. In this article, the underlying structures is the best means to demonstrate how exactly phrasal verbs may be classified into six possible categories. Underlying Structures vs. Surface Structures One of the major points of this article is that the author assumes the underlying structures than other possibilities, the surface structures in particular. In order to prove and justify his choice, the author devotes a separate chapter to justification for the chosen structures. Mr. Dixon describes the attempts of other scholars like Chomsky, who made attempts to use prepositional movements for structure analysis. However, lots of troubles and unclear points took place while such way of analysis, this is why Mr. Dixon underlines that his idea to classify phrasal verbs with the help of the underlying structures turns out to be more effective and less troublesome, because these structures â€Å"provide the basis for an optimally simple grammatical description† (Dixon 1982: 20). In this article, several properly explained reasons why the underlying structures are better than the surface structures and prepositional movements. First of all, the underlying structures provide proper explanations of possibilities for prepositional movements and adverb insertion and examining the changes within prepositional fronting. The underlying structures also demonstrate the possibility to substitute some types of phrasal verbs or impossibility to change even an object in the phrase. One of the most brilliant justifications of the underlying structures, which are presented in the article, is the comparison of pNpo and Ndop. It is all about the movements of the noun phrases around the prepositions. For example knock about the town means travel in the town, and knock a person about in the town means treat this person brutally in the town. Any other possibilities like the prepositional movement or the surfac e structures cannot present similar information and proper explanation of the matter. And Mr. Dixon’s approach demonstrates how simple these explanations can be. The use of phrase markets plays a crucial role in this case, because only the evaluation of the components helps the reader, the student, or any other person, who are eager to learn English grammar and the phrasal verb in particular, use these types of verb in a proper way. Transitivity as an Evidence of the Underlying Structures One more issues, discussed in the article, that helps to gain better understanding of the topic is the transitivity of phrasal verbs. In his numerous books, Dixon (2005) admits that it is â€Å"a fascinating and not altogether easy question† (p. 294). Phrasal verbs may be of two types transitive and intransitive. The transitive phrasal verbs are those, which have the underlying structures accompanied with a direct object of the verb. Those underlying structures of the phrasal verbs, w hich have prepositional objects, are named as intransitive. In order to help the reader to comprehend the nature of phrasal verbs and their classification, the author examines the characteristics of each type of objects. The direct object usually serves as the sign of passivisation; the prepositional objects demonstrate the impossibility of passivisation. Only the cases of some idiomatic combinations may be the factor of passivisation in the sentences with prepositional objects. The value of transitivity is rather considerable for phrasal verbs. This is why it is very important to distinguish transitive phrasal verbs with simple verb constituent. For example, the phrasal verbs, which have such simple verbs like go, come, or be can only be intransitive. However, its simple verb constituent may be both transitive and intransitive, as much depends on the chosen for the verb object. The offered by Mr. Dixon list of transitive possibilities diminish the doubts concerning the effectivenes s of the underlying structures for phrasal verbs analysis. The idea of transitivity also helps to determine the weakness of the surface structures in comparison to the underlying structures. The surface structures are considered to be realization of the underlying structures, this is why these structures do not offer clear explanations of why this phrasal verb may be both transitive and intransitive and why the same verb accompanied with another preposition can be only transitive but not intransitive. So, in this case, the understanding of the phrasal verbs’ nature by means of the underlying structures is regarded as clearer and simpler. Conclusion In general, the article under analysis is a perfect source of information about phrasal verbs and their classification. Mr. Dixon made a wonderful attempt to represent for the reader a new way of classification of phrasal verbs by means of the underlying structures only. He also gives enough reasons to justify his choice and persua de the reader that his approach to evaluation of phrasal verbs has more benefits in comparison to the surface structures and the prepositional movement by Chomsky. The use of figurative or idiomatic speech in every day life makes each phrasal verb too much important. Unfortunately, not each person especially not-native speaker can easily realize what phrasal verb is better to use. The literal meaning of the phrasal verb may have nothing in common with its own constituents, this is why it turns out to be very easy to lose the necessary way and miscomprehend the whole text. With the help of clear explanation of the term phrasal verb, Mr. Dixon demonstrates his awareness of readers’ demands and needs. He can easily foresee the difficulties, which may take place while reading his article The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs, and destroy any doubts by providing clear and informative explanations of each point. The language of the article under discussion is not that difficult to c omprehend; the structure is properly organized as well and allows to evaluate each point of the text. The existence of different types of phrasal verbs, recognized by Dixon, can make other scholar to start their own investigations on the same field and approve or disprove Dixon’s ideas. To my mind, the articles, which provoke other people be interested in the theme under consideration, should be classified as the most successful, because the writers of such articles are not only able to inform the reader but also to make them think and evaluate the situation. This is why The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs by R. M. W. Dixon should be considered as a successful piece of work that represents reliable and captivating information about phrasal verbs and helps to make the use of phrasal verb more proper and more correct. Reference List Brinton, LJ 2000 The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction. John Benjamins Publishing Company, the Netherlands. Cannon, D 2002 De ductive Logic in Natural Language. Broadview Press, Peterborough, Canada. DeCapua, A 2008 Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers. Springer, New York. Dixon RMW 2005 A Semantic Approach to English Grammar. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Dixon, RMW 1982, ‘The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs’, Australian Journal of Linguistics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-42. Gelderen, E 2002 An Introduction to the Grammar of English: Syntactic Arguments and Socio-Historical Background. John Benjamins Publishing Company, the Netherlands. Payne, TE 2006 Exploring Language Structure: A Student’s Guide. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Ware, PD Dowd, R 2008, ‘Peer Feedback on Language Form in Telecollaboration’, Language Learning Technology, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 43-63. This critical writing on Syntactic Properties of Phrasal Verbs in English was written and submitted by user Coleman Burton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essays

History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essays History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essay History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essay Fasting cleanses the psyche, raises the head, subjects one s flesh to the spirit, renders the bosom contrite and low, scatters the clouds of sexual desire, quenches the fire of lecherousness, and kindles the true visible radiation of celibacy. Enter once more into yourself ( Saint Augustine, 354 430 A.D. ) . Food is one of the basic necessities of human sort but has got a batch of dimensions attached to it. Food is used as an look by assorted communities in this universe. When speaking about nutrient and its facets in context to sociology and anthropology fasting and banqueting are two inseparable words. Banquets in all faiths are backed up with fasts, which are due to grounds, but the pattern remains the same. Fasting has a long history, which is associated with faith. There are over 30 mentions to fasting in the Bible ( Old and New Testament ) . Apart from merely Christianity there are other mentions besides, and is found mentioned in the Quran, the Mahabharata, and the Upanishads. As a spiritual observation fasting has been practiced for centuries, and it doubtless, as a pattern, preceded recorded history. Many records from past say that abstention, which could be either partial or complete, from all or certain nutrients, existed in Assyria, Babylon, China, Greece, India, Palestine, Persia and Rome, and the records from the early civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt indicate that fasting of some type was an of import portion of spiritual pattern ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . Fast is besides concerned with its use as a agency of retrieving and continuing wellness, but the writer s major concern in this essay is non about curative fasting. So author relates to the application of fasting as a spiritual tract, to cognize about its relevancy in cognizing history of nutrient and civilizations. Fasting is chiefly the act of volitionally abstaining from some or all nutrient, drink, or both, for a period of clip. Refering that from which one fasts, and the period of fasting, a fast may be entire or partial. It may be observed unbroken for many uninterrupted yearss, or be observed merely for certain periods during the twenty-four hours, as is the Muslim pattern during the holy month of Ramadan. Depending on the tradition, fasting patterns may prohibit sexual intercourse every bit good as nutrient, in add-on to abstaining from eating certain types of nutrients ; for illustration, meat may be refrained from ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . The writer in this essay due to restriction of words is traveling to cover merely about one faith, Islam and significance of fasting over it to cognize approximately sociological and anthropological facets of it, which is there since history and the nutrient comes along with it. Content There is both a physical and a religious fast. In the physical fast, the organic structure abstains from nutrient and drink. In the religious fast, the faster abstains from evil purposes, words and workss. One who genuinely fasts abstains from choler, fury, maliciousness, and retribution. One who genuinely fasts abstains from idle and disgusting talk, empty rhetoric, slander, disapprobation, flattery, lying and all mode of vindictive talk. In a word, a existent faster is one who withdraws from all immoralities ( Saint Basil, 329-379 A.D. ) . Muslims start fasting in the holy month of Ramadan which is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the month in which Allah revealed the Holy Quran as counsel for world. Every twenty-four hours during this month, Muslims around the universe spend the daytime hours in a complete fast. Ramadan begins after the month of ShabA?n or with the visual perception of the new Moon of Ramaa?an. This visual perception is established with the testimony of one trustable informant or as some Ulama say, two. Fasting of the Predecessors O you who believe! Detecting As-Sawm [ the fasting ] is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you ( Quran 2:183 ) . There is no such grounds is to precisely when fasting started but it is clear that fasting is the pattern of all the Prophets of Allah and their followings: The Prophet ( i? ) told Muslims that DA?wA «d ( i? µ ) used to fast for half of the twelvemonth. MA «sA? ( i? µ ) observed fast for 40 yearss ( Exodus 24:18 ) . A?sA? ( Jesus ) ( i? µ ) was said to hold fasted for 40 yearss before he was called to prophet goon ( Matthew 4: 2 ) and this is what the Christians termed the Lent . That was the manner of Allah in the instance of those who passed off of old, and you will non happen any alteration in the manner of Allah ( Quran 33:62 ) . Therefore fasting was considered as an extension of the tradition approved by Allah ( i?â„ ¢ ) for all those who submit to him by the Predecessors. Two Aspects There are two facets under which Islam defines the word fasting: Literally: The Arabic word for fasting ( sawm ) is derived from the root sA?ma literally means to keep or to forbear , so fasting is forbearing fromA normal things, such as feeding, imbibing, speaking. If anyone chorus from these thing, he is considered sA?im which means the perceiver of fast. Religiously: Fasting agencies to forbear from things that invalidate the fasting from Morning Prayer clip, with purpose to delight Allah, boulder clay Sunset Prayer clip. Elementss of the Fasting in Islam There are assorted elements which are to be kept in head by a Muslim whilst maintaining fast which are explained by the writer below: Purpose It is obligatory for the fasting individual to corroborate his/her connotation before Morning Prayer ( SalA?t al-Fajr ) clip. The Prophet said: He who does non mean during the dark to fast, so there be no fast for him as cited by An-NasaI ( 2009 ) . However, most of Ulama affirm that one can corroborate 1s purpose one time at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and this will be sufficient to fast all the yearss of this holy month. The bosom is the topographic point of connotation and to express it verbally is non established from the Prophet or the Companions. Therefore one can do in 1s bosom connotation before traveling to kip. Refraining Food and Drink Sexual activityA Masturbation However, Ramadan is much more than avoiding nutrient, H2O, and abstaining from other physical demands, it is besides: Refraining of the bosom and the head from evil, ideas. Refraining of the lingua from evil words. Refraining of other organic structure parts from evil actions. As consequence, every portion of the organic structure must be restrained. The lingua must be restrained from chitchat, backbiting, dissing and cursing. The eyes must keep themselves from looking at improper things. The manus must non make any out things. The ears must forbear from listening to tick over talk or obscene words. The pess must forbear from traveling to iniquitous topographic points. In such a manner, every portion of the organic structure observes the fast. Therefore, fasting is the entire committedness of the individual s organic structure and psyche to the spirit of the fast. Ramadan is a clip to pattern temperateness. The Prophet said as cited by BukhA?rA « ( 3.127 ) : Whoever does non give up forged address and evil actions, Allah is non in demand of his go forthing his nutrient and imbibe aˆÂ ¦ [ i.e. ] Allah will non accept his fasting . Duration ( of Sawm ) Fasting starts everyday in Ramadan from the slow beginning of morning: Morning Prayer ( SalA?t al-Fajr ) clip till sunset: Sunset Prayer ( SalA?t al-maghrib ) clip. Muslim must keep tight to this continuance, if non his fast will be invalidated. Muslim Fasts As per Ulama the fasts are classified into four classs, defined below: Prescribed fast ( fara? ) Prohibited fast. ( a?arA?m ) Supererogatory fast. ( Sunnah ) Disapproved fast. ( makrA «h ) Prescribed Fast The prescribed fasts are: Fast of the month of Ramadan. Fast of QadA? It is the brand up for the yearss of Ramadan on which the fast was invalidated accidentally. Fast of kaffA?rah It is the expiatory and atonement fasts, among them are fasts for nonvoluntary homicide, fasts for expiation of: A broken curse. A vow. Not holding observed the prescribed fast of Ramadan. Prohibited Fasts 1st of ShawwA?l ( Eid al-Fia? ­r ) . 10th of Zula?ijjah ( Eid al-Aa?a?A? ) . 11th, 12th and 13th of a?’ula?ijjah. On these yearss fasting is purely prohibited. So the fast of qada can non be observed on these yearss. Supererogatory Fasts In Islam fasting is considered recommended on all the yearss of the twelvemonth except those on which it has been prohibited. But there are yearss whose fast has been specifically stressed and they include: 3 yearss of each month, sooner the moonlit yearss ( al-ayyA?m al-bA «a? ) , which are the 13th, 14th and 15th of each lunar month. Day of Arafah ( 9th of Dhul a? ¤ijjah ) . Several yearss of the months of Dhu al-Qidah, Dhu al-a? ¤ijjah, Mua?arram, Rajab. 6 yearss of ShawwA?l. Most of ShabA?n. Mondays and Thursdays. The twenty-four hours of AˆshA «rA? alone or with a twenty-four hours after or before it. Disapproved Fasts It is disapproved to individual out Fridays and Saturdays for fasting. Fasting on the twenty-four hours ( yawm ash-shak ) which is merely before the month of Ramadan or the two yearss merely before Ramadan. Fasting consecutively all yearss of the twelvemonth. The 3 yearss which follow Eid al-Aa?a?A? ( ayyA?m at-tashrA «q ) . Importance of Fasting There are two chief grounds for which a Muslim keeps fast, which are: Principles of Islam As per Allah s Apostle as cited by BukhA?rA « : Islam is based on the undermentioned five rules: To attest that there is no divinity except Allah and that Muhammad is Allah s Messenger. To offer the ( mandatory congregational ) supplications on a regular basis and absolutely. To pay ZakA?h ( i.e. obligatory charity ) . To execute Hajj ( i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca ) . To ever maintain fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the pillars of the Islamic religion. No cogent evidence is required to set up its being obligatory, and whoever denies fasting goes out of the crease of Islam. Obligatory responsibility ( fara? ) The other ground is that, fasting was said on Muslims in the 2nd twelvemonth of the a? ¤ijrah. Significance of Ramadan The Prophet said ( Muslim Book 6: p.2361 ) : When there comes the month of Ramadan, The Gatess of clemencies are opened. The Gatess of Hell are locked. The Satans are chained. All old wickednesss will be forgiven. The Prophet said as cited by Bukhari ( 3.125 ) : aˆÂ ¦ And whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere religion, and trusting for a wages from Allah, so all his old wickednesss will be forgiven. Ramadan comprehends the Night of Power which is better than 1000 months: sing the wagess of executing good workss in it. The Holy Quran revealed in Ramadan Koran which is true counsel for world, as believed by the Muslim community should be recited a batch in Ramadan in order to maintain us in the consecutive way. Umrah with particular wages Umrah preformed in Ramadan peers, in wagess executing, pilgrims journey with the prophesier. Smell of musk: The odor coming out from the oral cavity of a fasting individual is better, in the sight of Allah, than the odor of musk. Jannah is decorated In everyday of Ramadan, Allah decorates the Jannah ( Paradise ) and addresses it stating, It is non excessively far that my righteous retainers shall throw away the loads ( of the secular life ) and shall continue towards you ( Anonymous, 2009 ) . Amnesty In the last dark of this month, the fasting individual is granted amnesty. Who Must Fast A ; Who Can non? Harmonizing to the Islam, Allah has made fasting the month of Ramadan compulsory uponA every: Muslim, Adult, Reasonable, Not going, Muslim who has nil such as a?aya? ( Menstruation ) or nifA?s ( Post-Natal Bleeding ) to forestall him/her from making so. But, there are following individuals who are exempt from fasting, by Islam: The insane, Non adolescent Fast is non required of kids until they reach the age of pubescence. The marks of pubescence are: Growth of pubic hair. Happening of wet dreams. Menstrual period ( female ) . Person with the age of 15 and none of these marks have occurred. The aged and inveterate ill for whom fasting is unreasonably striving. Such individuals are required to feed at least one hapless individual every twenty-four hours in Ramadan for which he/she has missed fasting. Pregnant adult females and nursing can prorogue their fasting. The ailment and the travellers can besides prorogue their fasting. Females during the period of menses or after childbirth parturiency. Fasting during these periods is out and can be made up subsequently, a twenty-four hours for a twenty-four hours. Annulment of Fasts as per Islam Harmonizing to Islamic norms there are certain things which invalidate fast and are ever kept in head by Muslims in the month of Ramadan, which are of two sorts: One requires qaa?A? ( merely doing up lost yearss ) . The other requires qaa?A? and kaffA?rah ( atonement ) , at the same clip. Thingss that require do up ( Qada ) merely are: Feeding deliberately This includes non-nourishing nutrient Doctor of Optometry potable points taken by oral cavity. For illustration, while doing wudu, if a bead of H2O faux pass into the pharynx accidentally. Vomiting Intentionally doing one to throw up. The beginning of menses / post-childbirth shed blooding even in the last minute before sundown ( merely in instance of females ) . Seminal emanation Ejaculation while touching, snoging or fondling adult females for grounds other than sexual Congress. The purpose to stop the prescribed fast Intending to interrupt the fast before sunset even if one changes his head, since purpose is one of the pre-requisites of the cogency of fasting. Mistaken premise Eating, imbibing or holding intercourse after morning on the misguided premise that it is non dawn yet. Similarly, prosecuting in these Acts of the Apostless before Maghrib on the misguided premise that it is already sunset. Injection: Injection invalidates the prescribed fast and requires the fast to be made up. Thingss that require doing up the fast ( Qada ) and besides atonement ( Kaffarah ) are: Eating Drinking Sexual intercourse These 3 Acts of the Apostless are apt to kaffarah when they are committed intentionally after one has started a fast. Kaffarh may be given in the undermentioned three ways severally: Fring a slave. Fasting for two months invariably without a interruption. Giving nutrient to sixty individuals. Since bondage has come to an terminal in today s universe, merely the latter two ways can be adopted today. But Islam says that the individual who has strength adequate to fast for two month invariably has been bound to fast. He can non follow the 3rd manner, i.e. giving nutrient to sixty individuals. If he is excessively weak to fast for such a big figure of yearss, he can give kaffarah be giving nutrient to sixty individuals. The above mentioned things do non annul the fast unless the fasting individual meets the undermentioned three conditions: He must be cognizant of the opinion of what he has done. He must retrieve ( i.e. forgetfulness does non annul the fast ) He must make it deliberately. Ramadan Eve Here are a figure of things which are practiced by a Muslim on Ramadan Eve and which can non be neglected for the successful completion of the forfeits a Muslim brand in the month of Ramadan in footings of nutrient, energy, etc. Tarawih Prayer TarA?wA «h Prayer or the Night Prayer ( SalA?t QiyA?m al-Layl ) is performed by the truster in fold during the month of Ramadan. It can besides be performed entirely at place. Suhoor ( pre-dawn repast ) Moslems should do certain that they eat and drink something at suhA «r and should seek to detain it until merely before al-Fajr Prayer time.A The Prophet said as cited by Al-Bukhaari ( Fath, 4/139 ) : Have suhoor, for in suhoor there is blessing ( barakah ) . The Purpose It is obligatory for the fasting individual to corroborate his/her connotation before Morning Prayer clip. The Prophet said: He who does non mean during the dark to fast, so there be no fast for him . It is the right clip that one should do its connotation after suhoor or before traveling to kip. Etiquettes of Interrupting the Fast The Prophetic etiquettes of interrupting the fast are given below: One should rush to interrupt the fast. Equally shortly as the Call of Sunset Prayer is ( Athan Salat al-Maghrib ) said one should get down to interrupt the fast instantly. The Prophet said: My state will stay in goodness every bit long as they break the fast every bit shortly as it is due [ Muslim ] . Stating Bismillah and the fast breakage dua : Demanding Allah anything in demand because the supplication ( dua ) upon interrupting fast is answered. Interrupt the fast by eating 3 rutabs ( damp day of the months ) , or tamr ( dry day of the months ) , or even drinking H2O. The Prophet said: Break your fast with a day of the month or with H2O because it is pure [ Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi ] . Using 1s right manus while feeding. Gluttony is violative and unhealthy after fasting and full tummy will non assist you o pray TA?rA?wA «h. The Prophet said: Enough for a human being to hold luqaymat ( from 3 to 9 mouthfuls ) that prop up his spinal column and, if he must hold more [ in his tummy ] , so one tierce of nutrient, one tierce of H2O, and one tierce of air . Not holding nutrients ( such as garlic, onions, etc. ) that cause bad breath, bubbling and gas, is out of regard for the mosques and those who attend them. Performing Sunset Prayer at mosque, if it is close, or in a group at place. Night of Power As per Quran, the Night of Power is better than a 1000 months. Therein descends the Angels and the Spirit by Allah s permission, on every errand and state Peace ( continuously ) till the rise of Morning! ( Quran 97:1-5 ) . Quran was revealed in Ramadan in Night of Power ( Lailat-ut Qadr ) . Muslims believe that the title in this dark is better than the wagess of workss of 1,000 months ( about 83.3 old ages ) . The dark is in the last 10 yearss of Ramadan and normally in one of the uneven yearss ( i.e. 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29th ) . At this dark a Muslim is expected to: Perform nawafil ( voluntary supplications ) . Make Quran recitation. Say invocations ( duas ) . Attending talks on spiritual subjects. Do itikaf: Moslems are expected to be in privateness ( itikaf ) during the last 10 yearss of Ramadan because no 1 knows exactly which of the uneven yearss is the dark of Power, and the best topographic point to be in privacy is in the mosque. Retreat ( ItikA?f ) Retreat is to prosecute and to give something either good / bad or to prosecute in a retreat in the mosque and remain at that place with the purpose of delighting Allah. It has no clip bound ; either short or long periods of clip are acceptable. ZakA?t al-Fitr ZakA?t al-Fitr is frequently referred to as Sadaqah al-Fitr. The word Fitr means interrupting a fast and it comes from the same root word as Futoor ( Arabic ) which means breakfast. Therefore, Islamically, ZakA?t al-Fitr means fast-breaking or fast-ending contribution which is paid at the terminal of Ramadan. Sadaqah al-Fitr is a responsibility which is obligatory on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or grownup every bit long as he/she has the agencies to make so. A The cogent evidence that this signifier of charity is mandatory can be found in the Sunnah whereby Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet made Zakaah al-Fitr compulsory on every slave, freewoman, male, female, immature and old among the Muslims ; one Saa` of dried day of the months or one Saa` of hardly ( Bukhari Arabic/English, vol. 2, p. 339, no. 579 ) . The caput of the family may pay the needed sum for the other members. Abu Saeed al-Khudree said, On behalf of our immature and old, free work forces and slaves ; we used to take out during Allah s Messenger s life-time one Saa` of grain, cheese or raisins ( Muslim English transl. vol. 2, p. 469, no. 2155 ) . The chief intent of Zakaah al-Fitr is to supply those who fasted with the agencies of doing up for their mistakes during the month of fasting. Zakaah al-Fitr besides provides the hapless with a agencies with which they can observe the festival of interrupting the fast ( `Eed al-Fitr ) along with the remainder of the Muslims. This signifier of charity becomes obligatory from sunset on the last twenty-four hours of fasting and remains obligatory until the beginning of Salaah al-Eed ( i.e. shortly after dawn on the undermentioned twenty-four hours ) . However, it can be paid prior to the above mentioned period, as many of Companions of the Prophet ( i? ) used to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr a couple yearss before the `Eed. If one misses the clip period without a good ground, he has sinned and can non do it up. The sum of Zakaah is the same for everyone regardless of their different income brackets. The minimal sum is one SA?` ( two kg and 40 gms of good wheat ) of nutrient, grain or dried fruit for each member of the household. Night of Eid It had been the pattern of the Prophet Muhammad that he would non kip in the dark predating the twenty-four hours of Eid al-Fitr, the terminal of Ramadan. This dark has been named in a tradition as the Night of Reward . God bestows his wagess on those who have spent the month of Ramadan staying by the dictates of Islamic jurisprudence, and all their supplications and supplication in this dark are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to execute voluntary supplications in this night.A As per Prophet: Whoever stands up in worship in the darks predating the two Eids anticipating wagess from his Lord, his bosom will non decease when the other Black Marias will decease. To profit from this chance, one should execute as much worship in this dark as one can, and should pray for all one s demands and desires. Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Fitr, frequently referred to as Eid, is the three twenty-four hours festival that marks the terminal of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word significance celebration , while Fia? ­r means to breakfast ; and symbolizes the breakage of the fasting period. It is celebrated after the terminal of the Islamic month of Ramadan, on the first twenty-four hours of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid ul-Fitr is sometimes besides known as the Smaller Eid as compared to the Eid ul-Adha that lasts four yearss and is called the Greater Eid . Moslems are commanded by the Quran to finish their fast on the last twenty-four hours of Ramadan and so declaim the Takbir all throughout the period of Eid ( Quran 2:185 ) . Muslim greet each other by stating A?d mubA?rak ( Blessed Eid ) or A?d saA «d ( Happy Eid ) . In add-on, many states have their ain salutations based on local linguistic communication and traditions. Typically, Muslims wake up early in the forenoon and have a little breakfast ( as a mark of non being on a fast on that twenty-four hours ) of sooner the day of the month fruit, before go toing a particular Eid supplication ( salat ) that is performed in fold at mosques or unfastened countries like Fieldss, squares, etc. By and large all Muslims frock in their best apparels ( new if possible ) at this twenty-four hours. The Eid supplication is followed by the khutbah ( discourse ) and so a invocation ( dua ) inquiring for forgiveness, clemency and aid for all living existences across the universe. The khutbah besides instructs Muslims as to the public presentation of rites of Eid, such as the zakat. It is so customary to encompass the individuals sitting on either side of one, whilst recognizing them. After the supplications, people besides visit their relations, friends and familiarities and some people besides pay visits to the cemeteries ( ziyarat al-qubur ) .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Beowulf and J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings Essay

Beowulf and J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings - Essay Example However, a deeper study on the two texts also exposes further the similarities in the characters and central themes of the stories. For one, the stories do not just depict collective struggles between good and evil but also the more complicated battle within the self, the internal contradictions within an individual. This may even be the pattern that is the most common of both Beowulf and Lord of the Rings. Tolkien’s first book, evil is presented as an external force and it takes solid determination from the side of the hero to battle this through physical means. Frodo is presented as just an innocent Hobbit who does not have any innate tendency to do evil and who treats evil instead as an external enemy just like other characters in Middle Earth. For the reader, identifying good and evil has been made simple through such a presentation, one that formulates the concept that battling evil is easy because it is an enemy that can be seen and detached from the self. It became conv enient for one mark Gandalf as good and Sauron as evil in Lord of the Rings just Beowulf is and Grendel respectively in Beowulf. However, in the succeeding books in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Tolkien began to describe more the internal struggles within. The typical good hero is presented as not really safe from temptations or from the urge to do evil too. The same thing happened in Beowulf when the lead character also experienced the contradictions between good and evil from within. In Tolkien’s book, even the innocent Frodo undergoes the difficulties of dealing the evil side of him that emerged when a ring was in his hand. At this point, the effect of both literary works on the readers is essentially the same. The reader realizes that battling evil and standing up for good is not that simple because evil can also arise from within, from one person’s mind and heart. Apparently, there seems to be a common theme between Tolkien’s story and Beowulf. However , it could not be discerned if the latter’s author really had this in mind, considering that Lord of the Rings is a reflection of Tolkien’s interpretation of Beowulf. It could be said that Tolkien stole the central theme of Beowulf in order to enhance his own literary creation. However, one may question how he actually wrote about Gollum’s character quite close to that of Grendel in Beowulf. Grendel is Cain’s descendant and, therefore, originated from humans despite his powers and great evil. Even Beowulf, whose strength is also remarkable, comes from the human race and therefore shares a common lineage with Grendel. This is not much different from the case of Lord of the Rings antagonist, Gollum. Gollum actually comes from the Middle Earth, with a Hobbit bloodline, particularly those of the Stoors. Frodo Baggins share a similarity with Gollum in this respect because he is the typical Hobbit himself. These specific depictions of common bloodlines and orig ins of characters representing opposite sides in the battle between good and evil emphasize further the theme that the struggle is not always external but internal too; that no one is absolutely free from evil tendencies. In Tolkien’s story, Sauron may be the epitome of evil but it is Gollum who represents best the tendency of Frodo to commit evil. In order to win against the evil represented

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Extra credit hrd495 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extra credit hrd495 - Essay Example Secondly, he provides guidance on compensation and benefits scheme for employees. The manager stressed the fact that his role of developing employees places the responsibility of training and developing staff on him, including orientation of new employees, professional development workshops and seminars and leadership training. He consults with the executive management on strategic planning of the organization, hence serving as a link between the management and the employees to ensure that employees’ welfare have been catered for. The HR Manager had also been handing over legal counsel roles with regard to activities in risk mitigation to the newly appointed company legal secretary, the organization having grown bigger. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS (2012) sums up these responsibilities as planning, directing and coordinating the organization’s administrative functions. From the interview, I learnt that HR Managers operate on a kind of ad hoc schedule, as their schedule of tasks would largely be determined by the issues that arise on a day-to-day basis. Among the major issues faced by the HR Manager include the determination of the most appropriate employees during recruitment. Issues of remuneration also keep arising with employees always seeking to earn more irrespective of their contribution to the organization’s profitability. The establishment and distribution of benefits and managing outsourcing also stands out as major issues that the HR Manager handles on a regular basis. He faces the challenge of resolving conflict among employees and solving issues that jeopardize work safety. The HR Manager faces issues of resolving discrimination and harassment cases to ensure equality and respect among employees in the organization. To develop the field of HR, there would be need for more competent HR managers, thus the need for pursuance of relevant academic qualifications. A master’s degree such as Master

Monday, November 18, 2019


WRITTEN CRITIQUE OF SCHOLARLY ARTICLE - Research Paper Example This section provides sufficient summary of various aspects included within the study. The methodology, results and conclusions have been effectively summarized within the abstract. These summaries remain fundamental in enabling other individuals making reference to the article to understand its relevance even before perusing through the details contained inside. The abstract also contains a summary of the keywords that have been included within the research. These words are essential in seeking to enable individuals to understand the contents. The research was conducted by eleven researchers most of whom have been involved in numerous academic institutional departments. As individuals who are actively involved in the educational sector, they have the right qualifications to be able to undertake a probe of such nature. The author affiliations have been provided, and this is essential in increasing reader confidence in the results of the research. The article containing these research findings was published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, which is a peer-reviewed medical journal with an impact factor of 3.169 as of 2012. The credibility of the authors and the impact factors of the journal, in which the article was published become basic elements that enhance the confidence of the findings established by the investigators. The theoretical framework has not been clearly described. Despite the importance of this framework in research studies, the lack of the conceptual framework within this research does not change the significance of the study. The study focuses on seeking to establish the effectiveness of tobacco tactics intervention, and background information has been provided regarding the topics being reviewed. The background information plays a significant role in informing other researchers on various aspects, which have been included. Though not clearly outlined, the various aspects of the framework are

Friday, November 15, 2019

Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies

Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies Title: Periodontal Health knowledge and awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore, India ABSTRACT There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia. Aims and Objective:  The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore, India. Materials and Method: Three hundred pregnant female patients who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore was evaluated for oral hygiene status. Awareness of the relationship between oral health and pregnancy, demographics, oral health knowledge, oral hygiene, and dental visits during pregnancy and their willingness for treatment was surveyed by self administered questionnaire from the patients who were willing to participate in the study. The data were collected, summarized and statistically analyzed. Results: Awareness among pregnant women was found to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age and educational qualifications (p value> 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome are limited. Key words- Pregnancy, Awareness, Periodontal Health INTRODUCTION Women’s life cycle changes presents unique challenges to the oral health care profession. Hormonal influences associated with the reproductive process alter periodontal and oral tissue responses to local factors creating diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. It is imperative, therefore, that clinician recognize, customize and vary periodontal therapy, according to an individual female and the stage of her life cycle.1 Apart from the underlying systemic diseases, ceratin physiological condition can also aggravate the underlying gingival status, especially when the oral hyagiene is poor. Pregnancy being one of these conditions, is a time when the patient may experience the most profound physiologic and psychological changes in her life. There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The link between periodontal infections and preterm birth has been one of the frontiers in dental research. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia.2,3,4 Pregnancy provides an ideal opportunity to improve women’s health practices. Prenatal care entails regular and frequent medical visits, so that women are or can be motivated to improve their health for the benefit of the developing fetus. Since maternal oral flora and oral hygiene practices are predictors of the oral flora and oralhealth of infants and children, a pregnant woman’s knowledge and actions concerning her oral health are critical to the oral health of her child or children and may be a key to childhood caries prevention. Certain oral disease, such as periodontitis or periodontal infection, gingivitis or even caries can affect and influence not only the Maternal oral health but also the oral health of her child. Targeting pregnant women to increase their oral health knowledge may improve their oral health and, thus, the oral health of their children. Maternal oral flora and oral health are one of the greatest predictors of childhood oral flora and oral health.1,2 The interaction between oral and systemic health has long been of interest. It has been shown that pregnant womenhave a higher incidence of gingival inflammation compared to non-pregnant women2,3,4 According to literature in pregnant women the incidence of gingival inflammation observed from 36% to 100 %3,5 These vascular and Hormonal changes can lead to exaggerated immune respone of gingival towards bacterial plaque. 6,7 Good oral hygiene practices, however, can minimize gingival disease during pregnancy.2,7Two case–control studies 8,9 and cohort studies 10,11,12showed that periodontal disease could be an independent risk factor for pre-term birth and low birthweight after adjusting for several known risk factors. 2In fact, treatment of periodontal disease has been shown to reduce pre-term birth. 12,13Other studies have shown additional associations between periodontal diseaseand pregnancy, such as increased risk for development of preeclampsia during pregnancy.14 The purpose of the present study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore. The results obtained would serve asbaseline information for planning an oral health education program aimed at improving the oralhealth of pregnant women receiving care in the hospital.Specifically, it would identify areas of deficiency in thewomen’s knowledge and this would be helpful informulating the content of the oral health messages. MATERIALS AND METHOD The presentcross sectionalstudy was conducted in the Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore during June to August 2011.The minimum sample size wascomputed using the formula n= z2pq/d2 where p (theprevalence of women with good knowledge) was set at40%. Thus the computed minimum sample size was 271 subjects. This was increased by 10% to 300subjects to accommodate attrition. Hence, three hundred pregnant females who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalorewere taken instudy design using simple random sampling. The subjects were informed about the purpose of the study and only those who gave written voluntary consent were taken into the study. Also, ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review board and permission from the head of Government Hospital was also obtained. The questionnaire wasdeveloped and pre-tested on 25 pregnant women toallow for refinement of the questions in order tofacilitate answering(Table 1). Questionnaires wereadministered to all consenting pregnantwomen who attended the antenatal clinic during thestudy period.The questionnaire contained two segments. The first part contained inquiries on the participant’s sociodemographic qualities, for example, age, occupation, monthly income and educational status. The second part contained fifteen questions pertaining to participant’s awareness regarding knowledge of relationship between oral health and pregnancy, knowledge about oral health, knowledge about oral hygiene, dental appointment during pregnancy, advice regarding necessity of dental health in pregnancy, presence of bleeding gums and whether any of the possible actions were taken to treat or reduce the gingival problems along with their compliance for the treatment. Each question answered â€Å"Yes† was given a score of 1 while for â€Å"No†, score 0 was given. Thus, the maximum achievablescore was 15 with a higher score indicating a high level of awareness. Individuals with scores of 11 and abovewere graded as having high awareness, those having scores from 6 to 10 were having average awareness while those with scores 5 or less were having low awareness. Awareness of periodontal health, according to age and educational qualifications of the pregnant females was also considered in the study. The results obtained from the periodontal health awareness questionnaire were compiled and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS version 19.0. Descriptive statistics were reported as well as cross-tabulations by age, parity, education and occupation. For the purpose of analysis thelevel of education was categorized as low (primaryeducation only), middle (secondary education) andtertiary (post secondary education).Inference on the cross-tabulations were performed, using chi-square tests to test for general association. A probability value of RESULTS Sociodemographic features of study participants The mean age of our studypopulation was 24.97+4.343years (range 18–35 years)with the majority of the study population in the 18-25 (59.3%) and 26-30 (33%) years old categories. Over half (53.7%) of the respondents wereprimigravida while the remaining women had between1 and 5 children. Out of the total study population, 2.3% had primaryschool education, 10.7% secondary schooleducation, 33.3% attained post secondary educationand 53.7% attended university (Table 2). Most of the study participants were unemployed(78.3%), followed by employee (21.7%) (Table 2).On theutilization of dental services, 285 (62.9%) respondentsreported ever visiting a dental facility. The mean of questions answered correct by the subject was 4.53 +1.814 with a range of 1 8.Majority, i.e. 60 percent subjects had low awareness and only 40 percent with average awareness and 0 percent with high awareness (Table 3). The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age.The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of educational qualifications. DISCUSSION It is worth sayin that good oral health in pregnancy is very important factor, as recent trends showed that the poor oral health can lead to unfavourable pregnancy results. This is important in context of developing countries like india, where high mortality rate present.Most of the common oral diseases present during pregnancy (i.e. periodontal disease) are preventable only by using simplest measures like regular flossing and tooth brushing.A person’s knowledge, attitude and oral health would influence and generate such positive behaviour which is the ultimate result of person’s awareness.15 Thus, this study wasdesigned to provide a view of periodontal awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore. The present study showed low awareness(60%) among majority of the study population followed by average awareness among rest 40% of the participants. The results of the present study were similar to study conducted by HA Alwaeli SH Al-Jundi (2005)16who concluded that knowledge and awareness for pregnant women about their teeth and gingival condition is generally poor. Pregnant women need accurate information about their teeth and oral health. Simple educational preventive programmes on oral self-care and disease prevention before and during pregnancy should be provided to improve oral health.Another similar kind of study was conducted by Kim A. Boggess; Diana M. Urlaub, Merry-K Moos etal (2011)1and concluded that pregnant women have some oral health knowledge, which varied according to maternal race or ethnicity. Their beliefs varied according to their education levels. Including oral health education as a part of prenatal care may improve knowledge regarding the importance of oral he alth among vulnerable pregnant women, thereby, improving their oral health and that of their children. The awareness among pregnant women came out to be low below 25 years of age.The awareness among pregnant women came out to be average above 25 years of age.When the results were compared of above and below 25 years of age the awareness came out to be nonsignificant with average awareness among above 25 years of age. This study is not without limitations. Onelimitation is its reliance on self-reported data, which isoften subject to biases inherent to questions being askedsuch as recall bias. Nonetheless, the results wouldserve as a veritable tool for designing and specifyingappropriate oral health education messages forpregnant women receiving antenatal care. CONCLUSION A majority of the pregnant women has good knowledge and information about general health; however, their knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome is limited. Most pregnant women need more information about oral health, and prevention of gingival and periodontal diseases. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess the long-term effect of oral health education programs in maternity care centers on dental health knowledge and behavior of pregnant women. Further studies are needed to determine if there is a strong correlation between periodontal disease and premature labor and whether periodontal therapy or prevention can reduce the risk of premature labor. Studies to assess the role of dental hygienists in designing and promoting information regarding periodontal health awareness and practices among pregnant women in maternity care centers. REFERENCES Boggess KA, Urlaub DM, Moos MK, Polinkovsky M, El-Khorazaty J, Lorenz C. Knowledge and beliefs regarding oral health among pregnant women. J Am DentAssoc. 2011;142(11):1275-82. Loe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. I. Prevalence and severity. Acta odontol scand. 1963;21:533-51 Jensen J, Lilijmack W, Bloomquist C. The effect of female sex hormones on subgingival plaque. J Periodontol1981;52: 599–602. Nuamah I, Annan BD. Periodontal status and oral hygiene practices of pregnant and non-pregnant women. East Afr Med J. 1998;75:712-4. Ferris GM. 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Periodontal disease awareness among pregnant womenand its relationship with socio-demographic variables. Int J Dent Hyg. 2005;3:74-82. TABLE 1: Questionnaire used for the study Table 2: Socio-demographic characteristics of study population Table 3: Percentage awareness among study population regarding periodontal health

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Choice in Oedipus the King - Fates Triump

Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Choice in Oedipus the King - Fate's Triumph At the core of any tragedy there is a cruel change of fortune involved. This change of fortune is a key factor in man's demise and it can result in speculation that perhaps the gods plotted his ruin out of malice. To blame a higher power is the easy way to rationalize the downfall, but upon further investigation it becomes clear that it is actually man's attempt to escape his fate that leads to tragedy. Only when Oedipus was ruined did he realize his efforts to avoid what was pre-ordained were useless. Douglas Johnston states that "choice is at the heart of tragedy" (Johnston 14). In Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex Laius, Jocasta and Oedipus all choose to ignore Apollo's oracle; this decision, to attempt to escape fate, sets off a chain of events that leads to the defeat of these characters. We can only wonder how their lives may have differed if not for these fatal decisions. If one assumes that any attempts to control one's destiny will result in tragedy does the opposite also ring true? Perhaps the way to cheat fate is simply to accept it. Even before his birth Laius and Jocasta have been told that their son's fate is to kill his father and marry his mother. They are determined to save themselves and decide that Oedipus must be killed before he is old enough to carry out the prophecy. This attempt to beat the gods immediately begins Oedipus' journey to ruin as he grows up in nearby Corinth thinking that his parents are King Polybus and Queen Meropà ©. By assuming Polybus and Meropà © are his true parents Oedipus is in a situation where he can unknowingly kill his true father and marry his true mother. At the same time Jocasta and Laiu... ...it is a natural human instinct to seek to avoid one's fate when one knows something bad will happen. Even if man knows he is headed for doom it is one's foolishness, determination and stubborn nature that makes one try to fight the losing battle against destiny. The destruction of Oedipus in Sophocles' play is not an isolated occurrence; rather it is a story whose lessons apply to all of mankind. Works Cited and Consulted: Johnston, Douglas, and Brian Grandy. Greek Tragedy. Ascension Collegiate. 3 Oct. 2001 <http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~hblake/tragedy1.html>. Rose, Lloyd. "The Greek Tragedy: Doom Is Booming." Washington Post 20 Dec. 1998: G02. 2 Oct. 2001 <http://academics.vmi.edu/english/greekdrama.html>. Sophocles.   "Oedipus Rex."   An Introduction to Literature, 11th ed.Eds. Sylvan Barnet, et al.   New York: Longman, 1997. 800-836.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Foreign Policy 1776-1807 Dbq

During the Washington, Adams, and the Jefferson administrations, the United States was thrust into the decision of joining either Britain or France, the two most powerful European nations. In determining the effects of foreign policy on the developing nation, one must establish the overall direction of the United States took. As a budding nation, George Washington proposed the idea of neutrality in order for the country to have no involvement in European affairs. However, Federalists and Democratic Republicans were outraged by this decision since the Federalists supported the British while the Democratic Republicans supported the French. Neutrality also allowed the United States to temporarily smooth its relations with Europe because of commercial interest. Therefore, neutrality, instead of siding with either Britain or France or through their commercial interests, was the obvious direction taken by foreign policy. After witnessing and being involved in uncontrollable European affairs, the growing nation of the United States concluded that an international policy of neutrality would be the best option in the area of foreign affairs. During his presidency, Washington decided that it was best for America to stay neutral. As stated in his Proclamation of Neutrality that any American providing assistance to any country at war would be punished with legal proceedings (D). He was aware of the possible dangers that would occur when allying with a certain country. The country was too new to enter any wars or deal with wars of foreign countries. â€Å"Europe has a set of primary interests†¦Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns† (J). Even in his farewell address, Washington advised the fledgling nation to not get involved in European affairs or make permanent alliances, to avoid sectionalism, and to not form political parties. After Washington resigned from office, John Adams tried to maintain the position of neutrality as the second president of the United States. He did as much as he could in avoiding war with France. Even before his presidency, in response to a proposed alliance with France, he argued that â€Å"†¦we ought not to enter into any Alliance with her [France], which should entangle Us in any future wars in Europe, that We ought to lay it down as a first principle and a Maxim never to be forgotten, to maintain an entire Neutrality in all future European Wars† (A). However, after the XYZ Affair, in which French agents demanded a large bribe for the restoration of diplomatic relations with the United States, a Quasi War erupted between France and America. The Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, was a treaty between the United States and France to settle the hostilities that erupted during that war (I). When Thomas Jefferson became president, it was a peaceful transition from Federalist to Democratic Republican. Despite the differences between these political parties, Jefferson also tried to maintain Washington’s idea of neutrality. In his Inaugural Address in 1801, he states â€Å"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists† and that there would be â€Å"Equal and exact justice to all men, friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (K). Even as a last resort to the Louisiana Purchase, he told Monroe to make an alliance with Great Britain if the Louisiana Purchase did not work out. In all three of their presidencies, Washington, Adams, and Jefferson decided that it was best for the new nation to enter a state of neutrality. Despite its neutrality and unwillingness to enter war with the European nations, the United States were being forced to side with either Great Britain or France, Europe’s most powerful nations. During Washington’s presidency, the revolutionary government of France sent diplomat Edmond-Charles Genet, also known as Citizen Genet, to America to propagandize the case for France in the French war against Great Britain, which created the network of Democratic Republicans. Washington demanded the French government recall Genet, and denounced the societies. The United States were in a conflict with Britain, as the British were seizing American ships and impressing sailors. Hamilton and Washington designed the Jay’s Treaty to normalize trade relations with Britain, remove them from western forts, and resolve financial debts left over from the Revolution (F). John Jay negotiated and signed the treaty in 1794. However, many disputes rose from this decision. James Madison criticized that the treaty stated to open West India ports to the United States, yet Britain refused to follow these regulations (G). During Adam’s presidency, the XYZ Affair, which was supposed to have been the negotiation between America and France on the seizure of American ships, threw the United States into a Quasi War with the French. In the aftermath of the undeclared naval war with France, the Alien and Sedition Acts were passed, which allowed the president to deport hostile aliens, increased residency requirements for citizenship, and banned criticism of government policies or officials. After the United States’ conflict with France, Jefferson, a Democratic Republican, considered the possibility of an alliance with Britain. While Britain and France were both seizing American ships, Britain had the strongest navy and was thus able to force the American sailors into its navy (M). Jefferson believed that this conflict would cease if the United States agreed to establish an alliance with Britain. Torn between the conflict of siding with either France or Britain, the United States agreed to remain neutral. Although neutrality in the new nation was favored, there was a possibility of joining either Britain or France depending on which one was more financially beneficial. After Jay’s Treaty, which was signed with Great Britain during Washington’s presidency, Spain did not want the United States to side with the British and wanted to smooth its relations with the fledgling country. Pinckney’s Treaty, signed on October 27, 1795, established the intentions of friendship between the United States and Spain. The treaty also granted the States use of the Mississippi and right of deposit at New Orleans (H). In the Treaty of Paris in 1783, â€Å"It is agreed that the people of the United States shall continue to enjoy unmolested the right to take fish of every kind on the Grand Bank†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and that â€Å"The navigation of the river Mississippi, from its source to the ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States† (E). Thomas Paine stated that commerce would secure the friendship with Europe because Europe wants America to have a free port (B). Jefferson, fearing the power of the neighboring French in the Louisiana Territory, sent Monroe to Paris to negotiate the purchase in 1802. Their interest was only in the port and its environs. They did not anticipate the much larger transfer of territory that would follow. The purchase greatly benefited the United States because it granted them access to the entire Mississippi River. Also, as a result of impressments of American sailors, Jefferson established the Embargo Act of 1807, also known as the Nonintercourse Acts, restricting American ships from engaging in foreign trade between the years 1807 to 1812. Jefferson believed that without trade with the United States, Britain and France would fall into an economic crisis. However, the Europeans nations did not bother with America and traded with other countries, causing the new nation’s economy to fall. This outraged the general public, and when Jefferson left office, these acts were repealed. Commercial interest helped the United States to choose between siding with either of the European nations or remaining neutral. Throughout the Washington, Adams, and Jefferson administrations, Britain and France tried to force the United States into allying with either of the two nations. Although it was tough to maintain, neutrality was established in the country by Washington. The decision brought various problems for the budding nation, but it still stayed strong.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dark Romantic Poe essays

Dark Romantic Poe essays The Dark Side of Poe Edgar Allen Poe was known as a Dark Romantic because of his style of writing. A Dark Romantic was known for valuing intuition over logic and reason and thought that human events had certain signs and symbols behind them. Poe used the literary technique of symbolism very well, which Dark Romantics were known to use quite often. Dark Romantics were known to explore the dark side of a subject, but Poe was especially known for this because he had a very mad and deranged psyche. Poe used conflicts and bad experiences from his own life to help add him in his dark and creepy writings. Poes, The Fall of the House of Usher examines the dark side of human life through the life of Roderick Usher and his decaying house. Right away Poe begins to describe the atmosphere around the Usher home, which is eerie and raises the readers attentiveness. Before getting inside the house the narrator is already frightened by the appearance of the house, which looks like a face and has a c rack running down the center of the structure. The house now seemed unstable to the narrator and was afraid to enter it because he was afraid it might collapse on him ... made its way down the wall in a zigzag direction... (Pg 266), which foreshadowed the ending of the story. After entering the house the narrator was lead to the room that contained his dear old friend Roderick. Roderick was described to the reader as a cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid... (Pg 267) that gives the reader the idea that Roderick is not in good health. The description that Poe used for both the house and Roderick gives the reader solid proof that his is writing in a dark romantic style. His view of the house came from the perspective of man who was deranged and offered the reader only the sense of fear. The description of Roderick gives off the same effect to the reader but to a greater extent. Roderick is given the characteri...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Modern Chinese History†Chiang Kai-Shek

Modern Chinese History– Chiang Kai-Shek Free Online Research Papers The introduction of Chiang Kai-Shek. By the question above, Id like to discuss Chiang Kai-Shek. Why I choose him as todays topic? Because I thought Chiangs life, and people surrounding him were dramatic, and he was a key person of influencing todays relationship of China and Tai Wan. Lets see what he did in his life. Chiang Kai-Shek was born on October 31st, 1887 in the ZheJiang FengHua, and died on April 5th,1975 in TaiBei. He was the leader of Kuomintang (KMT), and hold the power of the KMT, government, and the armies. Chiangs father Chiang ZhaoCong inherited the ancestral legacy management salt shop. After Chiangs father died, he was bring up by his mother Wang CaiYu. When he was child, he entered the private school studied traditional textbooks. By the spring of 1906, he studied in Tokyo School for continuing his failure study in China. During the studying in Tokyo School, he knew Chen QiMei, Chen QiMei had the influnce on Chiang Kai-Shek for the anti-Qing government. He had stayed in Tokyo School until the end of that year. In 1907, he had entered the BaoDing Nation Army Intensive School and studied for artillery. In 1908 spring, he went to Tokyo military school. During the studying, Chen QiMei invited Chiang to participate alliance association for the anti-Qing revolutionary activity. Afte r the 1910 graduation, he entered the Japanese Army 13th division of 19th regiment as a military officer (but in the waiting list.). Joins in the democratic revolution, Get the trust of Sun Yat-Sen After the 1911 Revolution happened, Chiang Kai-Shek returned to ShangHai, he was taken the order of Chen QiMei to lead the vanguard of hundred people to HangZhou, to join the recover of the ZheJuang. To follow the step of Chen QiMei (fifth group regimental commanders) and the ShangHai armed forces second division Huang Fu (Division Commander) sworn of the brotherhood. In January 1912, he was dispatched by Chen QiMei, and ordered him to buy off a scoundrel to assassinate restoration society leader Tao ChengZhang. After the assassination, he escaped to Japan. In 1913 summer, the second revolution had broken out. He participated in the attachment of ShangHai ¡Ã‚ ¦s weapon manufacturing factories. After the matter defeated, he lived in seclusion ShangHai. In October joined the Chinese revolutionary party which was still under construction, and went to Japan in November. In July 1914, Sun Yat-Sen in Tokyo announced that Chinese revolutionary party had been established officially. At the same time, Chiang Kai-Shek was dispatched to ShangHai, and Harbin to assist Chen QiMei to be engaged in opposes of Yuan ShiKai ¡Ã‚ ¦s revolutionary activities. After the May of 1916, Chen QiMei was assassinated, Chiang Kai-Shek was dispatched by Sun Yat-Sen to go to ShanDong to be Chinese revolutionary army DongBei Army chief staff officers. After Yuan Shikai died, the Chinese revolutionary army was dismissed and Chiang occupied to ShangHai. In July 1917 Sun Yat-Sen went to the south and established Republic of China Military government. And in March 1918, Chiang Kai-Shek was appointed to GuangDong as director of headquarter operations section. And after year, he was appointed to GuangDong armed forces second crew commanders in FuJian. But the military officer always crowded out him, he often left his work to stagnate in ShangHai. And formed the partnership with Zhang JingJiang, Chen GuoFu, and Dai JiTao to do the exchange business. In June 1922, GuangDong Commander-in-Chief Che n JiongMing revolted, Sun Yat-Sen sought asylum in the YongFeng ship, Chiang went to GuangZhou to ascend the ship and waited for 40 days. That obtained Sun Yat-Sens trust. In October, Chiang was sent by Sun Yat-Sen to be the east road anti-revolt second armed force chief staff officer. In February 1923, he was appointed to be the supreme headquarter chief office of generalissimo government. In August, he received order to lead the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen delegation to go to Soviet to inspect the study military, politics and the party affairs. Manage the HuangPu Military Academy, Destroy the KMT-Chinese communist cooperation In January 1924, KMT had the first National People ¡Ã‚ ¦s Congress decided the establishment military academy to train revolutionary armies. Sun Yat-Sen appointed Chiang Kai-Shek as the principal of military academy and the headquarter chief officer of GuangDong army. But he started to doubt than Sun Yat-Sen alliance with Russia, CCP, and assisted the farmer those policies. As there was no support at that time, Chiang performed to carry out to a certain extent. He entrusted with heavy responsibility the trusted subordinate in the military academy for cultivating personal influence, and support the anti-CCP member to established the Sun Wen principle academic society. He also suppressed and attacked young serviceman association at the same time. He organized and lead the HuangPu military academy teachers and students to suppress the Guangzhou merchant militia rebellion in October 1924; In February 1925, made an expedition to the east punitive expedition Chen JiongMing; In June, supp ressed Yang XiWen, Liu ZhenHuan rebels ¡Ã‚ ¦ campaigns, the victories were outstanding, therefore he obtained the prestige. So he had promoted to ChaoXian damage control supervisor, GuangZhou garrison commander. In August 1925, HuamgPu military academy ¡Ã‚ ¦s two guidance groups arranged as the national revolutionary army, Chiang as the commander. After Liao ZhongKai was killed, he supported Wang JingWei to pursue Hu HanMin to go abroad. And soon had driven Commander-in-Chief Xu ChongZhi out to GuangZhou. After that, he incorporated GuangDong army partial divisions and brigades, a great leap became the most important character in KMT ¡Ã‚ ¦s military. In October, he commanded troops to the second expedition, and wiped out Chen JiongMing ¡Ã‚ ¦s rebellious army. In January 1926, KMT second session National People ¡Ã‚ ¦s Congress, he was elected as central executive, and central permanent committee member; In February, he held a concurrent post as the national revolutionary ar my inspector. After Sun Yat-Sen passed away, Chiang Kai-Shek suspected day by day of the three policies, and envy KMT left wing and the communist party member cooperate work together as colleagues, and apprehended Soviet Union consultants work. He made ZhongShan ship event in March 20, 1926, in May he proposed the party committee reorganized documents at the KMT-CCP second session plenary conference, the document had repelled the first army and the central party committee worker who were CCP member. He seized the opportunity to seize military committee president, the national Central Party Committee one after another has organized minister, serviceman minister, national revolutionary army commander-in-chief as well as important posts and so on national Central Party Committee Standing committee president. After July 1926, the Northern Expedition started, Chiang Kai-Shek led the general headquarters to go to the front direction combat. The national revolutionary army defeated BeiYang warlords Wu PeiFu, Sun ChuanFang under the workers and farmers supported, HuNan, HuBei, JianXi, FuJian that four provinces had recovered completely, and continued to go to HeNan, AnHui, ZheJiang. Chiang Kai-Shek sought for the dictatorship rule the ambition to inflate day by day. In December, national Central Party Committee Party committee and the national government move to WuHan from GuangZhou, but Chiang persisted must move the capital NanChang, intent controlled the government. In March 1927, the Kuomintang second session of Third Session had a series of enhanced the party power through Unification partys Leading Draft resolution, prevented personal dictatorship and the military despotic resolution, have cancelled President Chiangs central standing committee and serviceman minister the duty. Therefore , Chiang Kai-Shek destroyed three policies deliberately, tolerated and instigated the hoodlum in JiangXi, AnHui to make a series of anti events, in the Britain-America imperialism and under the JiangSu and ZheJiang provinces plutocrats support, started a coup in ShangHai, brutal slaughtered communist party member and revolutionary group, and Guangdong started respectively party purge, thus destroyed the first Kuomintang-Chinese communist cooperation. The establishment dictatorship rule, Suppresses inner and compromise the foreign On April 18, 1927 Chiang Kai-Shek set up the new national government in NanJing, confronted with WuHan National Government. In June, Chiang Kai-Shek and Feng YuXiang held a meeting in HsuChou, cbtained the cooperation of anti-CCP. Chiang Kai-Shek had contradicted with Wang JingWei, Li ZongRen and the struggle is isolated with no support, being compelled retire in August, and in October visited Japan to seek the support. After returning to homeland, abandoned the wife, married with Song MeiLing on December 1, and on with Song ZiWen, Kong XiangXi married, strengthen through them with USs relation. In January1928, took the responsibility again on commander-in-chief, in February managed the Kuomintang two sessions of Fourth Plenary Session, changed Sun Yat-Sens revolutionary policy comprehensively. He was lifted as central politics commission chairman and military committee president at the meeting. In April, with Feng YuXiang, Yan XiShan, Li ZongRen formed four group armies to enter wit h joint north forces, and had defeated warlords Zhang ZuoLin, finished BeiYang warlords rule. In October, he became national government president the concurrently commander in chief of the army, navy and airforce. The duty was reorganization national government, implemented to rule a nation as the party political tutelage. Chiang Kai-Shek must establish individual dictatorship rule the aspect, constructed by the disarmament and tried to discontinue Feng YuXiang, Yan XiShan, Li ZongRens armies, intensified with various military power faction, and caused internal conflict. Chaing-Wu war, Chaing-Feng war, Chaing-Yan-Feng war were continuously. Chiang Kai-Shek relies on the imperialism and the JiangSu-ZheJiang provinces big bourgeoisie support, has defeated each military power. He had also defeated Wang JingWei, Hu HanMin, Sun Ke, thus consolidated his own dictatorship rule. From December 1930 to September 1931, Chiang Kai-Shek assembled the massive armies, JiangXi, HuNan, HuBei, HeNan, AnHui and other revolutionary base Red Army started three military encirclement continuously, those defeated to an end. After exigency occurs, he carried out  ¡Ã‚ §not to resist ¡Ã‚ ¨, obstructed army and the people who resisted Japan to invade, caused northeast three provinces to perish rapidly. The Japanese invaders provoked  ¡Ã‚ §1  ¡P 28 ¡Ã‚ ¨ exigency in ShangHai at the beginning of 1932, 19th route armies rose spiritedly to resist, but Chiang Kai-Shek submitted in the Japanese imperialism pressure, signed the agreement  ¡Ã‚ §ShangHai Ceasefire agreement ¡Ã‚ ¨. The agreement made Japanese imperialism expansion to compromise repeatedly to North China and concession Japanese invaded. He also signed the humiliation  ¡Ã‚ §the Tang-Ku Agreement ¡Ã‚ ¨. He suppressed the patriotic soldiers and civilians protection, forced Feng YuXiang to cancel the Chahar people against Japan allied forces. Chiang Kai-Shek adopted stubbornly  ¡Ã‚ §domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression ¡Ã‚ ¨. In June 1932, he started the fourth military Red Army encirclement defeated, and carried on the fifth military encirclement in October 1933. After a year engaging in fierce battle, Red Army because of the strategic instruction mistake the unfavorable situation, they left JiangXi to embark the Long March. Chiang moved several thousand armies besieged the Red Army, and exterminated the revolutionary countries simultaneously. Chiang Kai-Shek strengthened the dictatorship rule vigorously, established by HuangPu member as backbone central bureau and bureau of investigation two types of spy, the spy ¡Ã‚ ¦s duty as destroying the communist party and the revolutionary organizations patriotic democracy activities, killed the Communist and the patriotic democratic personage, and coped with the anti-Chiang clique. Chiang Kai-Shek had a cultural suppression in Kuomintang areas, forbad the progressive books and periodicals, persecuted left-wing writers and cultural worker. He carried out the new life movement in the nation, stepd up to peoples ideology control. He also relies on the government privilege, with Song Ziwen, Kong Xiangxi, Chen Guofu, Chen Lifu together, the establishment and the development state capitalism economy, formed the bureaucratic capital gradually. They set up the Central Bank and the peasant bank, annexed Bank of China and the Communications Bank, had monopolized the national finance syste m. Following that was gradually develops to the industry and commerce and other civilian economic departments, held the national economic lifeline. In November 1935, Japanese imperialism instigated  ¡Ã‚ §North China autonomous ¡Ã‚ ¨, expanded unprecedented to Chinas aggression, the national crisis serious. Chinese Communist Party appealed to stop civil war of consistent to Japan, and opposed Japan anti-Chiang policy change to compel Chaing to oppose Japan. Under the national salvation opposed Japan impetus in the whole nation, Chiang Kai-Shek and Kuomintang decided adjusts its domestic policies, and came to a conclusion that must maintain the territorial sovereignty the integrity. He issued an order to adopt a series of enhancement national development, and improved the relationship of Soviet Union. He attempted with the Chinese Communist party to carry on the negotiations, but still persisted to suppress Red Army after the Long March. Zhang XueLiang and Yang HuCheng, who were a ppointed to suppress communist party members, were determined the association opposes Japan. In December 12, 1936, they mobilized a  ¡Ã‚ §soldier admonishment ¡Ã‚ ¨ and had detained Chiang Kai-Shek in Xian. Under Chinese communist party mediation, the Xian Incident is solved peace diligently, Chiang Kai-Shek involuntary stopped  ¡Ã‚ §suppress CCP members ¡Ã‚ ¨ policy. Implements the Kuomintang-Chinese communist cooperation, Persist eight years Sino-Japanese War After the Xian Incident, Chiang Kai-Shek was compelled ten years strife, implements the second cooperation with the communist party. After in 1937  ¡Ã‚ §7.7 ¡Ã‚ ¨ emergency, established the Kuomintang-Chinese communist cooperation of anti-Japan had nationality united, Chiang Kai-Shek had positively deployed and directed the Chinese armies to leave for North China and ShangHai, prevented the Japanese invading army. The patriotic soldiers killed the enemy courageously, crushed the Japanese imperialism to attempt to fight a battle based on quick decision and perished China ¡Ã‚ ¦s invading plan. Chiang Kai-Shek made some promises in the political democratization aspect, released the political offender, the revision reactionary rule, held the peoples political council and so on. The nation appeared a new atmosphere for a while. But Chiang Kai-Shek implemented the one-sided of war resistance and the pure military defense strategic tactic, and waited for international mediates to stop Japan to invade, thus cannot resist the superiority Japanese invading army. North China, southeast and the Central China territory fell into the enemy one after another. After WuHan defends, the Sino-Japanese War changed over to the strategic stalemate stage by the strategic defensive stage. Chiang Kai-Shek expressed continuous Sino-Japanese Wars determination, Wang JingWei was completely disappointed to the against Sino-Japanese War, the treason surrenders to the enemy. In January 1939, Chiang Kai-Shek was appointed national defense highest committee chairman. He was worried about to the Chinese communist party and the peoples armed forces in the Sino-Japanese War grew rapidly, so he implemented  ¡Ã‚ §resists communists, limits communists, anti communists ¡Ã‚ ¨. And made the friction of resistant communists unceasingly. After December 1941 the Pacific War eruption, Chiang Kai-Shek positively carried out the diplomatic activities with American, English Union, and as the Chinese war zone commander-in-chief. Obtained USs commodity and the financial assistance. He sent the Chinese expeditionary army to go to Burma with the British and American Allied armies combined military operation. America, England united China to resist Japan together, they promised abolish in the Chinese privilege which the treaty of equality stipulated, and had signed Chinese and American, Chinese and British  ¡Ã‚ §New Testament ¡Ã‚ ¨. In November 1943, Chiang Kai-Shek attended the Cairo conference, with American President Roosevelt, English Prime Minister Churchill discussed the date of combined military operation plan and the postwar peace condition. In June 1945, he sent Song ZiWen to go to Soviet Union to discuss, in August both countries ministers of foreign affairs have signed Chinese-Soviet friendship Treaty of allianc e and the related agreement. Comprehensive launch civil war, Dominant in Mainland China collapse After victory of Sino-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-Shek under the American imperialism support, sent out the army to seize victory, and incorporates massively the armed forces; At the same time, he carried on the discussion with Chinese communist Central Party Committee commission chairman Mao ZeDong in ChongQing signed  ¡Ã‚ §Talk summary ¡Ã‚ ¨. But he directed 800,000 soldiers to attack the liberated area immediately, and refused the political consultative conference achieved each resolution in January 1946, persisted stubbornly the dictatorship policy on  ¡Ã‚ §military and government order unified ¡Ã‚ ¨. In June 1946, he launched comprehensive civil war, attempted in to eliminate the communist party and the peoples armed forces outrageously three to six months. After encounters Peoples Liberation Army to counterattack firmly, the next year March will be compelled to change North ShanXi and the ShanDong liberated area focus attack. After suffers the defeat repeatedly, he changed the strategic defensive by the strategic offense. Finally, Chiang Kai-Shek was compelled to issue an order to contract the defense line, implemented the key defense. In November 1946,Chiang Kai-Shek convened in NanJing for the national conference, during the conference had drawn up  ¡Ã‚ §constitution ¡Ã‚ ¨, and declaration implementation constitutional government, reorganization government. In fact he still rules as a dictatorship by his Kuomintang ruling. After 1948 spring of constitution country election, he was appointed  ¡Ã‚ §President ¡Ã‚ ¨, and seized no constitution limit of emergency disposal authority, that caused his dictatorship rule to put on the legitimate coat. Regarding patriotic student anti-famine, anti-civil war, anti-persecution movement and struggle between workers and peasant, he issued an order to put in order, sent out the military police to suppress flagitious. In August 1948, he promulgated  ¡Ã‚ §Financial Economy Urgent Punishment ¡Ã‚ ¨, the release gold certificate replaced the legal tender, by a set time redeemed the money foreign currency, compelled the limit price, attempted to get rid of the currency mal ignancy to inflate, the skyrocketing prices difficult position. The result has accelerated the financial economy collapse, caused the seething popular discontent and the social disturbance. In January 1949, Chiang published the New Years Day to state the suggestion peace negotiations, but also proposed preserves  ¡Ã‚ §constitution ¡Ã‚ ¨,  ¡Ã‚ §legally constituted authority and armys condition. And Chinese communist party was veto. On January 21, Chiang was compelled to announce retirement, and returned to FengHua (his hometown), but still pulled strings behind the scenes the government and army power authority, destructed peace negotiations. On April 20, Kuomintang resisted on to sign  ¡Ã‚ §Agreement on internal peace ¡Ã‚ ¨. Peoples Liberation Army crossed Yangtze River to national march. The Peoples Republic of China proclaimed the founding in October 1 1949,Chiang Kai-Shek ended here in Mainland China dictatorship. In December 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek moved to Taiwan, fought with back to the wall in the isolated island. In March 1950, he replaced heavy responsibility  ¡Ã‚ §President ¡Ã‚ ¨, after that had repeatedly for four sessions, and was elected Kuomintang President continuously. He constructs Taiwan based on  ¡Ã‚ §Three Peoples Principles of Sun Yat-sen ¡Ã‚ ¨ summoned to connect his governance in Taiwan. And signed with US to defend treaty together. But he opposed Taiwan independent ¡Ã‚ ¨, international entrusted ¡Ã‚ ¨ and two Chinas, has maintained  ¡Ã‚ §one China ¡Ã‚ ¨ national standpoint. Chiang Kai-Shek died of illness in April 5, 1975 in TaiBei. His life had going up and down, but he never give up on the defense. Research Papers on Modern Chinese History Chiang Kai-ShekQuebec and CanadaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeDefinition of Export QuotasEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Project Managment Office SystemPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyStandardized Testing19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraWhere Wild and West MeetBringing Democracy to Africa